Sunday, January 30, 2011

edit my blog

did u guys notice it? my blog...... i already edited it... how? interesting? actually i got this idea from my dear friend... mumtaz afiqah... thanks to you dear,,, so today this is my update... story about i'm edited my blog... tomorrow let me think first ok,,, gotta go... before that i'll put my kimbum picture,,, hope my future husband look like him,,, ngehahaha...

                                                        'did he look at me?' hehehe...

                                                    'anis,, catch my wink!!!' did he say that?

                                          look nerd right??? so,,, anyone who see someone like him,,, inform me ok,,, ngehahaha... the end... caow yaw...

she's my sister

one day i wish to become a succesful muslimah model... ngehahaha... am i right? she really like to pose and her picture look awesome... adore her...

she's really great when posing,,, i told you,,, any agencies need a muslimah model? i have one,,, ngehahaha... what ever it is i'm really adore her,,, glad to be your sister,,,

x update ke?

                                                          'anis!!! x update blog ko?'

story is my dear friend<above>asked me a long time ago a question<above>so i'm just answered 'owh,,, nnti2 la <as i'm remember> ngehahaha.... actually i'm really sorry towards my above friend because when i'm answered her question actually i'm really dont want to update it because i dont know how to write, to expressed my feeling in this blog... later on,,, i'm check up my friend blog and see her following update their blog really make me want to always write anything in this blog,,, thanks a lot my dear friend,,, you give me a strength to write,,, ngehahaha

                                                            'opssss,, already put her name'
                                                                                                                                                                         omg!!!! this is my friend...are you? hahaha... this is my dear friend,,,, take a look at her... she's wearing 'selendang' that i'm addicted... woohooo... we have the similarities,,, no wonder we are friend... ngehahaha,,, nice your pose... well,,, my friend!!! hehehe...


Saturday, January 29, 2011

new shawl

                                               this way how to wear this shawl.... :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 haha... i'm very happy yesterday because i already bought a new shawl by using my own saving... ngehahaha... i'm become addicted to shawl,,, hehehe... i like my friend style,,, she's so awesome... really great,,, adore you dear,,, hehehe... my dear friend already suggested this shawl to me,,,. but because of i dont have enough saving so i just 'ermmm,,, maybe next time,,,' but frankly speaking,,, i'm really addicted to that shawl.. take a look at above,, it really easy to wear... really like it...  i dont know how to write,, so my writing stop here,,, caow... maybe i'll update my blog everyday,,, INSYALLAH,,,  hahaha...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ngee.. notim 2 say..

As been told by da title.. yes!!! i hve notng 2 say.. ltely.. i'm feel so bored.. need someone 2 pick me up to go wndw shopping.. but thres none.. so i've 2 sty at home without doing anytng on weeknd..(although i hve to tdy up my home).. hehe.. great day.. nce weathr.. n so on.. wht else? ermm.. mybe.. wht hah? to be continue.. I NEED A CAR AND A LICENSE RIGHT NOW.. most importntly.. be cool.. ur day will come.. hahaha.. daaaa...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


its been a while i didnt update my blog,, now its already 2011,, now i'm not a student anymore,, haha,, feel so free,, feel so tired nowadays cause i have to help my aunt at her cnteen school,, my primary school,, nice hah when i got to see my old teacher there,,, i'm really happy cause they still remember me,, haha,, but as long as i can,, i'll avoid them,, feel so shy,, haha,,,