Tuesday, May 17, 2011

oh happy happy day! ! !

oh happy happy day oh happy happy smile 

haha. today i'm so happy coz i can hang out with my friend.

woohooo! we're met coz my friend has got their own destination 

what destination? neayyy! actually they're gonna further their study

so it take a long time for us to meet

therefore today we set the date that we gonna go for a date.

ceh! date nye bg. hahaha. kiddimo. thanks to my friends mumtaz, bey, nusya, syifa, sha and also 

to teepah, linda, w (jumpa tepi jln) *kidding XD. so happy and tired today.

insyallah this friday we're gonna meet at the beach!!! woww( hampeh! mcm loh x pernh pigi pntai).

thats all for today. caow yaw!!!